
RP 50 - patch

좀비선비 2007. 4. 16. 17:04
METAL METALLICA dyers eve Metal Fire Dark Chorus Total Shred MegadethLive
Pickup/Wah off off off off HS N/A
Compressor off 10 5 10 7 1
Amp/Cabinet r 9 r9 57 H9 r9 r9
EQ(bass) 8 b8 b3 b7 b5 b5
EQ(mid) 7 d2 b5 d9 d5 d6
EQ(treble) 9 t9 b7 t3 t5 t7
Noise Gate G 9 G2 g3 G9 G6 g2
Chorus/Mod off d5 off C1 C1 N/A
Delay off d5 off off off N/A
Reverb off 7 off A9 off r4
  Bass metal Thick Chunk Korn - Kill You high dist cool metal dist Black Sabbath
Pickup/Wah none off Off off off OFF
Compressor 2 5 5 10 3 OFF
Amp/Cabinet R9 r9 B9 r8 r9 F9
EQ(bass) 7 9 6 9 9 B5
EQ(mid) 1 2 5 3 1 D5
EQ(treble) 9 2 5 4 6 T9
Noise Gate G9 5 G9 g5 g9 G5
Chorus/Mod none c1 F1 off off OFF
Delay none off Off off off OFF
Reverb none h1 R5 p1 r3 OFF
  IronMaiden Heavy Stuff grinding twisted sister! Peace Sells macano prieto
Pickup/Wah H5 OFF off off SH off
Compressor 9 15 15 off OF 1
Amp/Cabinet 59 G9 59 R9 F9 g9
EQ(bass) B7 b9 9 B2 b8 8
EQ(mid) D3 d7 2 D8 d1 4
EQ(treble) T8 t7 9 T9 t8 5
Noise Gate G9 G9 g9 G9 G8 g5
Chorus/Mod none OFF off off OF off
Delay none OFF off off OF off
Reverb H3 OFF off off r3 off
  Jupiterian Vibe Synthetic Dist. Pantera Mad Solo st. anger-ish METALLICA H
Pickup/Wah 5h 5h off H5 H5 OFF